Olympic Weightlifting

From Beginner to Advanced athletes, We’re here to guide you in your journey of perfecting your technique and adding kilos to your total.

Looking for a new fitness option or aiming to get to Nationals?

This Program is for you!

Membership Options

  • Monthly Membership

    Monthly Members receive a personalized program that follows one of our competition tracks (local, or national level) periodized approach. They train under supervision during coached hours. During open gym hours, members will film and upload their sets to a common app for video review.

    ‍Starting at $165.00/month

  • Remote Training

    You do not have to be a local to York County in order to train with us. Our video review process allows for substantive coaching and program accommodation to meet the needs of athletes no matter how distant. This membership option also covers in house training sessions whenever you’re in the area.

    Starting at $165.00/month

  • Punch Card - $160

    Many want to improve in the Snatch, Clean, and Jerk but do not want to let go of their current exercise community or practice. We respect that! A punch card is prepayment for 8 drop-in sessions, which reduces the price of individual drop-ins. Coming in once or twice per week over the course of a few months will help you develop your technique and strength in the competition lifts.